Situated at 4600Ft above sea level,Fort Rajgad boasts to be the first capital of Maratha empire.
How to reach there:
Rajgad is situated
near Pune around 50Km.
There are two most
common trek route to Rajgad
i) Via Gunjawane-Chor Darwaja
Direct ST buses are
available from Pune -Swargate bus stand for Gunjawane. Or else you need to
catch jeeps going till Nasarapur phata and then towards Gunjawane.
If you have private
vehicle then follow the route as given below:
Pune-Old Katraj
Tunnel-Shindewadi-First toll naka-Nasarapur phata(at this point we need to take
right turn from the Pune-bangalore highway)-follow the route till
Margasani-turn towards left and follow the route going towards Gunjawane.
Always confirm your directions with local people.
This route is well
trodden so less chances of missing the route. If you are newcomer then ask the
village people about the route.
This route will
enter into the fort through Chor darwaja @ Padmavati machi.
ii) Via Pali darwaja
Catch ST bus going
towards Velhe from Pune -Swargate bus stand. Or else you need to catch jeeps
going till Nasarapur phata and then towards Velhe. Alight at Pabe.Walk towards
base village Pali.
If you have private
vehicle then follow the route as given below:
Pune-Old Katraj
Tunnel-Shindewadi-First toll naka-Nasarapur phata(at this point we need to take
right turn from the Pune-bangalore highway)-follow the route till Pabe-turn
towards left and follow the route going towards Pali village.
This route is
simplest of all and well defined too.
Places to see on
All the places on
the Rajgad fort are well defined and named by Shiv Durga Samvardhan Sanstha.
Area of fort is huge. You need full day to see all the places on fort.
Fort consist of
Padmavati machi, Suvela machi ,Sanjeevani machi and balekilla. Fort entrances
are still intact and firm. They are Pali darwaja, Gunjawane Darwaja, Alu
Darwaja and Maha darwaja(balekilla).